Sunday, 17 February 2008

An Introduction

Hello and welcome to "Enter The Digital Newsroom," a blog I have set up as part of my Digital Newsroom module in the second year of my BA Journalism Course at the University of Central Lancashire.

As part of the module we have been asked to split up into groups and focus on a certain aspect (or patch) of the news over the next two months. My "patch" is Sports. Although i'm a big fan of football, I don't have a massive interest in other sports. So as part of my patch I am going to concentrate on all different sports not only football. This will hopefully mean my patch will appeal to a wider range of people, and give me a chance to learn about other sports.

I hope that you will take something from this patch and enjoy it, please feel free to leave any comments (good or bad) about any thing you read.

Thanks Tom

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